Preparing for ISO 41001


ISO 41001:2018 facilities management system is divided into 10 sections referred to as “Clauses” as per ISO High-Level Structure- Annex SL / Annex L.

1 Scope.

2 Normative References.

3 Terms and definitions.

4 Context of the organisation.

5 Leadership.

6 Planning.

7 Support.

8 Operation.

9 Performance evaluation.

10 Improvement.

To review and understand and get certified to (from Euro VERITAS Ltd, UK (accredited from BAR-UK) and implement the core processes of a facilities management system an organisation should take the help of Ascent WORLD Group for proper and thorough implementation on Clauses 4–10.

Clause 4: Context of the organisation

4.1 Understanding the organisation and its context

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

4.3 Determining the scope of the facilities management system

4.4 The facilities management system.

Section 4.1 requires an organisation to identify and document the external and internal issues that are relevant to the context and its various processes, and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its facilities management system.

Section 4.2 involves identifying, determining and documenting:

the relevant interested parties to the facilities management system

the needs and expectations of these interested parties

the actions which will satisfy the requirements

the inputs required to achieve those actions

the process to keep the requirements up to date.

 Clause 5: Leadership

5.1 Leadership and commitment

5.2 Policy

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities.

Section 5.1 requires an organization’s senior, middles level and all other levels of management to demonstrate leadership, accountability and commitment with respect to the 41001 facilities management system. They should do this in a range of ways, including:

by ensuring that FM policy and associated objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction of the organisation delivering a service

by ensuring the integration and support of the facilities management system requirements into the organization’s various business processes

coordinating and collaborating within all processes.

Section 5.2 sets out the requirement to establish a facilities management policy which:

is appropriate to the context and purpose of the organisation

provides a framework for setting objectives at different levels

ensures the management of risks and opportunities

includes a commitment to satisfy all applicable requirements

includes a commitment to the continual improvement of the facilities management system

is approved from the top management.

Section 5.3 requires that the responsibilities and authorities for various positions within the FM are assigned and communicated within the organisation.

Clause 6: Planning

6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

6.2 Facilities management objectives and planning to achieve them.

When planning a facilities management system, section 6.1 requires an organisation to determine the risks and opportunities wrt the issues identified earlier, that need to be addressed. The organisation must plan operational controls to address these risks and opportunities, taking into account how they may change with time.

Section 6.2 requires the organisation to establish facilities management objectives at different levels including through KPIs that are consistent with the facilities management policy.

Clause 7: Support

7.1 Resources

7.2 Competence

7.3 Awareness

7.4 Communication

7.5 Documented information

7.6 Organizational knowledge.

Section 7.1 involves Resource Management- identifying and providing the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the facilities management system.

Section 7.2 requires to determine and provide the necessary competence of persons (or entities) doing work under its control (internal and external) that affects its facilities management performance.

Section 7.3 involves ensuring that those persons or entities are trained and are aware of necessary policies, strategic objectives, outputs and desired outcomes.

The need for internal and external communications as relevant, are covered by section 7.4.

Section 7.5 covers Document Management- the creating, reviewing, approval and updating of information, the control of documented information (internal, external and obsolete) and facilities management information and data requirements.

Section 7.6 requires an organisation to determine the knowledge (personnel and process) necessary for the operation of its processes- eg Lessons Learnt and to achieve conformity of products and services. The standard requires knowledge to be maintained and be made available.

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