ISO 45001:2018 audit checklist


An audit checklist can be a useful tool for auditors to ensure that all the necessary requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 standard have been addressed during the audit. Here is a sample checklist for an ISO 45001:2018 audit:

1.     Context of the organization

·        Has the organization identified and documented its internal and external context?

·        Has the organization identified and documented its interested parties and their relevant needs and expectations?

·        Has the organization identified and documented the scope of the OH&S management system?

2.     Leadership and worker participation

·        Has top management demonstrated leadership and commitment to the OH&S management system?

·        Have workers been involved in the management of OH&S risks?

·        Has the organization established an OH&S policy and communicated it to all relevant parties?

3.     Planning

·        Has the organization established OH&S objectives and plans to achieve them?

·        Has the organization identified and assessed OH&S risks and opportunities?

·        Has the organization established processes for hazard identification, risk assessment, and control?

4.     Support

·        Does the organization have adequate resources and support for the OH&S management system?

·        Are workers competent and trained in relevant OH&S matters?

·        Are adequate communication channels in place to support the OH&S management system?

5.     Operation

·        Are processes in place for hazard identification, risk assessment, and control?

·        Are emergency preparedness and response procedures established and tested?

·        Are processes in place to manage changes to the ISO 45001:2018 OH&S management system?

6.     Performance evaluation

·        Are monitoring and measurement processes in place for OH&S performance?

·        Are internal audits and management reviews conducted at planned intervals?

·        Is the effectiveness of the OH&S management system evaluated on a regular basis?

7.     Improvement

·        Are nonconformities identified and addressed in a timely manner?

·        Are corrective actions taken to eliminate the causes of nonconformities?

·        Are continual improvements made to the OH&S management system based on performance evaluations and feedback?

It's important to note that this is just a sample checklist and that the auditor may need to modify it to suit the specific context of the organization being audited. Additionally, the checklist is not a substitute for the auditor's professional judgment, experience, and knowledge of the standard.
